On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 the mental interface of Edd Dumbill told: > On Sun, 2003-12-28 at 02:49, Elimar Riesebieter wrote: > > > > > > <URL:http://www.visi.com/~pmk/msbtkb-linux.html> > > > > I found that on my google search. bthid doesn't compile at 2.6.0. I > > am not able to change that Makefile. > > You should read the archives of the bluez-users list. bthid can be made > to work using 2.6.0's uinput driver. I attach a patch for which should > make this work. You'll have to figure it out for yourself from there, > I'm afraid, I don't have any time to answer questions on this. > > -- Edd
[...] On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 the mental interface of Vincent Bernat told: > OoO En cette matinée ensoleillée du dimanche 28 décembre 2003, vers > 09:03, Elimar Riesebieter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait: > > >> does someone know how to get the Apple blutooth mouse to work with > >> linux 2.6.0? > > > Are the buez-tools working with 2.6.0? > > I am using them with a Bluetooth dongle without any problem but I > don't have a bluetooth mouse. Gents, tomorrow I'll download the blueZ sources and give them a try. The infos I grabbed from the blueZ list give me a hopeful view. Report follows. -- Obviously the human brain works like a computer. Since there are no stupid computers humans can't be stupid. There are just a few running with Windows or even CE ;-)
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