On Thu, 2003-12-25 at 03:53, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-12-24 at 04:50, Colin Charles wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Just wondering/looking for some monitoring tools for my iBook2. I'm
> > tracking Sid at the moment and would like to know if I could measure:
> > 
> > 1. my CPU temperature (cat /proc/cpuinfo says the temperature data is
> > uncalibrated)
> You can't do this. Motorola could have done
> this and supplied Apple with the data. Apple
> could have done it as follows:

The problem is nastier. I think the temperature sensor just doesn't
work properly on those.

But Apple has put a separate thermostat on the i2c bus


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