Hello *
I got an iBook G4 a few days ago and I'm trying to install a Debian
GNU/Linux on this machine. The base installation was ok, but now I'm
getting troubles with the compilation of a new full-options kernel for
this machine. For this purpose I'm obviously using a
With a 2.4.x family the result is a blank console on boot (but the
framebuffer is in the kernel), with the 2.6 family the result is an
unmountable root device (but the support for chipset/filesystem is in my
kernel!); so at this time any attempt to run X is just dreaming :)
perhaps there's a silly mistake somewhere because I heard about running
machine with self-compiled kernel, anyway if someone could post
somewhere a .config (indicating the kernel family) for a running iBook
G4 machine or much better a debian package with a running kernel-image
it would a very good news for me: I'm not a good nerd :) but I'd like to
use a Debian distro anyway :)

Thanks in advance 

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