On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 04:15:25PM +0100, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-12-13 at 16:03, Lucas Moulin wrote:
> > 
> > I successfully compiled my 2.6 kernel without a problem, and everything
> > (sound, sleep, usb) works fine. The only thing that won't work is drm.
> > I've compiled a debian package of it, 
> BTW, you don't really need to build the DRM from drm-trunk-module-src,
> the one that comes with the 2.6 kernel is pretty up to date.

Ah, nice to know. I guess you are not implying that drm-trunk-module-src
won't work and I should use 2.6 drm stuff, right...? :)

> [...]
> Yes, module-init-tools even uses different config files; I have
> install radeon  /sbin/modprobe uninorth-agp; /sbin/modprobe
> --ignore-install radeon
> in a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ (as usual, run update-modules after adding
> it).

Ah thanks, now I understand what the trick is.. kept getting loops.
glxinfo now shows lots of stuff, but glxgears (my reference app ;) )
still segfaults? So do most of the apps that use it?

* lsmod snippet:
Module                  Size  Used by
radeon                134636  0
uninorth_agp            8576  1
agpgart                39788  2 uninorth_agp

* XFree86.0.log snippet:
(WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available
(EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the DRI.
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] You may want to make sure the agpgart kernel module
is loaded before the radeon kernel module.

still :|

Paul - keeps on struggling with 2.6 but it's almost working perfectly

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