Hiya, I'm a proud owner of a new 15" 1.25ghz (w/ Superdrive) Powerbook, and although OS X runs beautifully on this, I'm keen to dual boot it with a small Debian install; my previous laptop (15" 500mhz Powerbook) absolutely screamed with a Sid install. It's been a while since I've done PPC Debian, though.
I followed various instructions to get it all installed via a later kernel/yaboot, then compiled my own kernel from rsync'ing ben's sources. This all works fine. XFree86, however, doesn't want to play. I assume I've got a Radeon 9600 Mobility; neither the ati or radeon drivers, with or without framebuffer, even see the card. I even tried upgrading to experimental's xfree86, but it still doesn't want to play. I'll link to relevant outputs/config files below; no point cluttering up people's inboxes with junk. dmesg: http://computeraddictions.com.au/tmp/albook/dmesg.txt XFree86 output: http://computeraddictions.com.au/tmp/albook/dmesg.txt XF86Config: http://computeraddictions.com.au/tmp/albook/xfree86.txt (very basic, but *should* be enough to bring up a x cursor, right?) Apologies if this all has been covered before; I've been googling all morning, and haven't found anything. Just link to the relevant thread/URL if it has been :-) Any other tips, XFree86 related or not, from other Albook users would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks. R (Apologies if this email comes through twice; having odd webmail issues). -- linux.conf.au 2004 - Adelaide, Australia: http://lca2004.linux.org.au/ "Oh no, not again."