El jue, 11-12-2003 a las 01:33, B. Bogart escribió:
> the radeons above 9200 are not supported by X. :( Since ATI has not released
> specs on the r300 chips.
> nvidia chips have x86 only binary drivers....
> ati drivers are also x86 only.
> :(
> I'm still getting a powerbook with the 9600, but I will not be able to do
> much with debian. There may be a way to trick X into thinking the 9600 is a
> 9200, anyone had luck with this?

You can just use the framebuffer driver. I did that with my TFT imac
(NVIDIA GeForce2 MX) until the nv driver was usable.

You boot the kernel with the openfirmware driver and XFree86 with the
Framebuffer driver and it works, forget any hardware acceleration, but
you will be able to use GNOME/KDE/any other Linux Desktop.

> any way to support the cause and show ATI the value of thier linux market?
> (I've already sent many mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED], all they do is restate
> what we already know.)


> Ben(no h)


Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
Valencia - Spain

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