>       My G3 iBook has died a premature death due to video card failure 
> and I am seeking to replace it with a Powerbook. I have read that Airport 
> Extreme is not supported due to driver license issues, is that correct ?

Broadcom makes the chip in the Airport Extreme cards, and they are
bastards who don't release specs.

>       Also, is the ATI Radeon 9600 found in the 15" and 17" AlBooks any 
> better supported than the NVIDIA GeForce FX Go 5200 as installed in the 
> 12" PB ?

I sold my G3 iBook and bought a 12" PB when they first came out and I
regret it.  The G3 iBook remains a wonderful machine with everything
supported; the 12" PB G4 is not yet supported for sleep or Airport
Extreme, which is a huge problem for me since I'd completely built my
(computing) life around 802.11b and portability.  I long for a system
that supports these things again.  If I could have one feature and not
the other, I might be able to use it, but for now (10 months?) I've
been booting OS X 95% of the time and taking refuge in my x86 Sid box
at work.  I trust that in time all the hard coding work necessary to
support these chips will be done (and I wish I could do it myself),
but it remains in the distant, hardly-foreseeable future.

If you want to run GNU/Linux right now, don't get the 12".  If anyone
wants to trade me a decent, recent iBook for my 12", I will seriously
consider it.


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