On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 10:32:17PM -0500, digger vermont wrote:
> Hello All,
>       With the benh-2.6-test11 kernel pressing CapsLock on my powerbook is
> putting it to sleep.  This is not fun since I habitually hit it.  Its
> happening both on the console and in X.  It does not happen with
> benh-2.6-test9.  
> With showkey I get,
> keycode 58 press
> keycode 58 release
> keycode 116 press
> keycode 116 release
> with a single key press and release.  I believe both kernels were built
> with the same config.
> Any Ideas?

I can reproduce this, although because I bound my 'standby/off' button
with acme I get gnome logout dialog. I already wondered why it sometimes
came popping up out of the blue!


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