Am Die, den 02.12.2003 schrieb Diana Galletly um 21:18:
> Well, I bit the bullet and went with Debian testing so I could install
> all sorts of things that I'd been wanting (OpenOffice for instance);
> but unfortunately some kernel option to do with ADB (I think) that was
> necessary for woody needs turning off for testing, because random garbage
> characters started coming out of my keyboard after upgrading (so I can't
> currently log in ...)  I tried turning off ADB altogether but now, rather
> than garbage, I get nothing out of my keyboard.  Is it the raw keycodes
> (or the like) option that needs disabling whilst leaving the rest of ADB
> enabled, or is it something else?  I *can* cycle through all options if
> necessary, but if someone knows the answer I might then be able to spend
> tomorrow doing some work rather than emergency system maintenance :-)

for more information on linux vx. adb keycodes.

> Diana.

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