I'm a newbie on installing linux on a mac.
Since a month or three i have a 12 inch pb, and finally i decided to
add Debian to my system.
This via the instructions of:
If i don't follow his instructions on putting the changed kernel of
http://valla.uchicago.edu/ppc/vmlinux-pbg412.bz2 , but just use the
'official' one, i can actually boot and get in the installation
process. But then my hardisk is not recognized.
I know, that's why the website with the instructions tells me to
download and use the other (changed, added harddisk drivers)kernel. But
that's just the problem. When i download it, bunzip2 it and rename it
to linux.bin, yaboot tells me it's corrupted.
When i download it, bunzip2 it, and not give it a .bin (osx might
change some resources, i don't know..), and then change the
yabootconfig as in
it still doesn't work..
Can anybody give me a tip on how to unconcompress this alternatif
kernal (wich is in .bz2 format) without osx (10.3) messing it up (if
10.3 does..).
And/or what i should do anyway to make my disk recognised?
Thanks a very lot!