On 30 Nov 2003 at 16h01, Diana Galletly wrote:


> I've got a G4 iBook 800 MHz 12.1" TFT screen (ATI Mobility
> Radeon 9200 graphics card) which I am trying to install
> woody on (I'd rather not go for sid if it can at all be
> helped).  I followed Colin Leroy's instructions on getting
> X built from CVS (including rebuilding the radeon.o module).
> I also downloaded the g4-ibook-radeonfb-m9.diff mentioned
> on www.difficulties.de/ibook/ and applied that patch to
> the 2.4.23-pre5-ben0 (or wherever the hyphens should be!)
> kernel that I wished to install.

I forgot to say you have to have 

Option  "UseFBDev" "true"

in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (after the "Driver" entry for the radeon).

Everything but the DRI works for me...
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