I got an old (_really_ old) PCI ide card, and tried to insert it into my
7300, in the hope I can attach some (larger) IDE drives.

However the 7300 running debian 3.0 with

Linux rottenapple 2.2.20-pmac #1 Thu Mar 21 17:08:23 EST 2002 ppc unknown

doesn't seem to recognize the card. That is not so strange, could be driver,
unsupported card etc etc.

However I don't see it in /proc/pci either.

Also, this card still must be manually jumpered to the appropiate PCI INTs.
(INT A..D)

Does Mac have something like it, and how could I determine what PCI INTs are 
in use, and what not?  I already tried varying these jumpers btw, but to no

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