On 26/11/2003 at 14:24, Martin-Éric Racine wrote: > That's correct, but the mailing list's posts are available publicly on > Debian's > servers. Same thing for the BTS bug reports. If I go to bugs.debian.org, > every > bug report I have ever sent to the Debian Project is available in raw form, > with > the sender's address and return path, etc.. THAT is what must be fixed; no > more > raw e-mail on the BTS; it's okay to be able to search the bugs, but not to get > the sender's whole, raw e-mail on a web site.
Yes, that's right (IMHO), but I just was pointing that the suggestion of implementing some type of mail filter in list servers is pointless. I agree with what you are pointing here, but I guess _this_ list it's not the right place to discuss it. AFAICT, it has been deeply discussed in debian-user (or some other debian list, I have not followed at all those discussions). Muddling email addresses in the archives (as you suggest) would be nice to prevent spam, the worms problem has nothing to see with the address appearing in a webpage. The problem is that debian lists are published in newsgroups (usenet), and thus, many, many people have posters addresses in their Outlook mailboxes. OTOH, some damage has already been done; my email address is already in those Outlook mailboxes. and if they get infected by this crap, I will get more and more unwanted worm copies. Since Swen came out, many days I receive more than a hundred copies (many days I have received more than 20 MBytes of worms; in a single day). With this numbers, a procmail/mailfilter rule in my desktop computer is not enough for me. Fortunately, I administer my own email server and have been able to set this kind of rule in the server (see my signature). As I said before, I guess this is not the list to discuss this (sorry about the IMHO, off-topic). Just wanted to add some more information. -- Kiko Please do not reply to the sender address of this email; due to spam and Windows (TM) worms, everything not comming from the list is "stored" in /dev/null. Put menorqui in the user part to send me anything. _Although_, I prefer replies sent to the list so that others can benefit from the discussion. Thanks.