Le vendredi 21 novembre 2003 à 08:32 
Jacob Zimmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

(I'm CC-ing this to debian-powerpc as it may help some of us)


That's it, I've figured out what was wrong with the keymap that made the
BackSpace key unusable with Nautilus.

I tested some keymap configurations for the concerned key, and only one
works with Nautilus (I haven't seen any problem in other applications
BTW). With this file, BackSpace is mapped to.. BackSpace and Delete is
mapped to Alt(command)+Backspace.

I've included a diff.

<     key <BKSP> {      [   BackSpace,    VoidSymbol    ],
<                       [      Delete,    VoidSymbol    ]       };
>     key <BKSP> {      [   BackSpace                   ],
>                       [      Delete                   ]       };
Lucas Moulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"La bêtise, c'est de la paresse." - Jacques Brel

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