On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 11:14:09AM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 10:07:20AM -0800, Matt Kraai wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 10:55:21AM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
> > > I have prepared a new version of the powerpc kernel packages (2.4.22-3).
> > > Again, they are still hold up in NEW, until a ftp-master deigns to find
> > > time for looking at it or at least provide feedback about what is wrong
> > > with them, but i have also made them available in the meantime at :
> > > 
> > >   http://people.debian.org/~luther/powerpc/2.4.22
> > 
> > The kernel-image-2.4.22-powerpc-pmac 2.4.22-3 and
> > kernel-modules-2.4.22-powerpc 2.4.22-3 packages work on my iBook2.
> > 
> > Installing the kernel package did not require me to upgrade the
> > modules, though, which led to some unsatisfied symbol messages
> > from depmod.  Shouldn't kernel-image-2.4.22-powerpc-pmac have a
> > versioned dependency on
> > 
> >  kernel-modules-2.4.22-powerpc (= 2.4.22-3)
> > 
> Strange.
> I had noticed after I installed the new kernel, that my boot process
> was hanging for a few seconds near a line that said insmod parport
> was failing.
> I tried modconf, to try to remove that module, but modconf was not on
> my system. I thought it had been. I reinstalled it, and tried to
> remove the parport module, but it refused, saying it was in use.
> After reading this, I first verified that kernel-modules-2.4.22-powerpc 
> was not installed. Then I installed it; it went through the process,
> but said it was downloading 0 bytes. After it was finished, I
> re-checked with dpkg -s and it was _still_ not installed.
> What's going on here?  

Very strange indeed. What does dpkg -l kernel-modules-2.4.22-powerpc say
exactly ? Notice that an older version of kernel-modules-2.4.22-powerpc
had wrong module path in it, you may still have it installed, and
naturally, i don't think that kernel-modules-2.4.22-powerpc is already
in the archive. Try downloading and installing it by hand.

But then, i have been offline for 3 days, and maybe the package got
accepted since then.


Sven Luther

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