(Sorry, forgot subject last time.)

All right, after a week of poking my brain has about had it. :^)  I'm trying 
to get my Epson Stylus Photo 700 working with Cups, I'm running debian/sid 
(mostly up to date) on and oldworld pmac, homebuilt kernel 2.4.23-pre5-ben0.  
As far as I can tell, I've got Everything I Could Ever Need(tm) installed 
(Cups packages, gimp-print drivers, ghostscript, foomatic packages, and 
possibly more I've forgotten already) but I haven't been able to get it to 
print properly.  It spits out numerous pages of what I assume is PostScript 
interpreted by a raster printer without proper conversion, but I'm not sure.  
It prints a couple few lines of random chars and goes to the next page.  I 
haven't let it get beyond about four pages.

As far as I can tell, I have my printer settings ok.  My device URI is 
'serial:/dev/ttyS1?baud=230400' (printer port), with or without '+bits=8
+parity=none+flow=soft', changing bitrates and such doesn't seem to do 
anything. I've tried native cups driver, gimp-print ppd and foomatic 
gimp-print/ijs ppd, from both the foomatic install and generated from 
linuxprinting.org, and the gimp-print/stp driver.  I've also tried 
configuring with Kprint, foomatic-configure, and the Cups web interface, with 
pretty much the same effect, only very slight variations in output.  

I've also googled fairly extensively, and no one seems to know anything about 
using the Stylus Photo 700 on a serial port.  Oh, and there aren't any 
obvious errors in the logs that I could see, either; I do have it logging at 
debug level (logs readily available if needed).  Anyone have tips to go on 
from here?  What do I wack at next?  This is driving me nuts and I'd like to 
make it work.  I hate to think about all this wrangling for nothing. :^)  And 
sorry if I missed something obvious. (I really hope I haven't, it's bad 
enough when it's just obvious.  It's worse when you've been racking your 
brain the whole week and it's obvious. ;)  That said, I eagerly await any 
tiny scrap of information you could possibly dig up that might help. :^)


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