Hey all once again,

I've discovered another bug in Nautilus. Well, I don't know if this is
one yet, so I'd like to ask you if you've seen this before.

I'd like to use Nautilus to view my files on my other computer via
ssh. I've installed Nautilus, ssh-askpass-gnome and gnome-vfs-sftp. But
the thing is, Nautilus asks me a password, and then freezes. It quits
some time after that.

The reason I'm writing to this list is because I tested it on my other
computer which happens to be a x86, and it works without a hitch. So I
was wondering if this was powerpc-related or not.

Thanks for your help, regards.
Lucas Moulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"La bêtise, c'est de la paresse." - Jacques Brel

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