(sorry about the previous message, hit 'send' by mistake)

X is behaving very oddly on my 2002 700Mhz iBook (radeon m6 LW) running 
2.6.0-test9/unstable. At first, it worked without any problems (aside from DRI 
hard-locking the system, but that's probably a kernel issue). However, after 
several hours and several X restarts it dropped into what appears to be 16 
color mode, with all fonts appearing very strange (probably because it can't do 
subpixel rendering properly). Bright (usually red or brown) images occasionally 
seem to have "defective" glowing red pixels, but killing X leaves a clean 
screen. Also, the mouse sometimes leaves a visible trail for a fraction of a 
The only error message that I can see is unresolved symbols in radeon_drv 
(drmUnmap). XF86Config is attached.

I currently can't leave the iBook plugged in long enough to try and compile a 
2.4 series kernel to check if it's just a 2.6 issue.

Any help would be appreciated.

Attachment: XF86Config-4
Description: Binary data

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