Thanks Javier.. .I downloaded the iso image but it turns out that my disk copy software has disappeared mysteriously.. I wonder if Panther had something to do with it since I don't remember deleting it.. and it should install by default when OS X is installed/upgraded.. but it wasn't.. luckily I have Roxio toast so I'm burning it now.. will send an update once the whole process is done..
thanks a lot!


On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 21:06:49 +1100, "J. Javier Maestro" wrote:

Hi Nirmal,

The other day I was playing around with a binary that needed some
version of, and I deleted the symbolic link to it, rendering
my system unuseable (heh, my stupidity is sooo great 8-)

Anyways, I booted in MacOSX, downloaded the first Debian CD, and burnt
it with no problems using the nifty tool... what is it called? Mmmm,
Disk Burn or something... anyways, it comes default in MacOSX. The OS
recognizes the file as an ISO image, and asks you to mount it (loop
mount) or to burn it. Just put a blank CD in the burner, and say burn,
it should be done in 10-15 min.

Then, reboot, and remember to hold the keys for CDRom boot (Alt+Apple+C
is I recall correctly, people correct me if I'm wrong), since you said
you have no bootloader, thus, no menu will come up with the CD option...

When booting, go through the normal Debian Installation, selecting
keyboard language, and when all the actions menu comes up, you can
change into a root terminal on F2.

There, you have to mount the / partition. I recommend you to do it under /target (at this point of the "installation process", nothing should be
mounted in that dir, check it just in case):

      mount /dev/hdaX /target

Hopefully, you will be able to run ybin and fix it there.


J. Javier Maestro

On Nov Tue 11 2003 04:33, Nirmal Govind wrote:
Hi.. I just upgraded to OS X.3 and looks like the installer wiped the boot loader... so I don't get the dual boot option anymore.. I don't have the
install cd with me either.. is there any way of booting into the linux partition so that I can rerun ybin and setup yaboot again without the CD?
downloading the first CD's iso image onto my OSX partition but am not sure
if I
can burn iso images from OSX.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please cc me on the reply...


You may have already found this out, but for future reference, Panther has the Disk Copy functionality rolled up into Disk Utility now...I had the same problem ;^)

Barry C. Hawkins
All Things Computed

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