On lun, 2003-11-10 at 14:17, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:

> I them wrote a short and polite e-mail requesting that they stop scripting 
> with
> specific browsers in mind and instead rely upon W3C standards.  I even pointed
> out that since they are a Tech Jobs site, then they really ought to accomodate
> whatever geeks are using and not force everyone to keep an old version of NS.
> Never even got _one_ reply back.

What did you expect ?

It took 2 years to a banking site (on of the biggest bank here) to
accomodate Mozilla, because they just wrote crappy JavaScrap. 

Another day, I was reading a "news" website that had some hardcoded crap
that yielded 2 messages boxes each time you read the page if you were
running Konqueror (or other non Netscape/IE browser). Other than that it
worked fine. When I e-mailed the webmaster, he replied "I will not waste
5 minutes to accomodate 5 users. Nobody complained". I think that I
never returned since.


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