Two days ago I did a periodic upgrade of my unstable version on a
new-world imac. Since then any of the lp or lpr commands result in the
following: "lp(r): /usr/lib/ no version information
available (required by /usr/lib/". I get the same results
as root and non-root. The printer prints ok otherwise and was set by
ls -l /usr/lib/*
lrwsrwsrws 1 root root 18 Aug 2 22:48 /usr/lib/ ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 gfrick root 231892 jil 6 18:52
The change in ownership of the second file was made to take care of
denied permissions when using non-root.
I would cedrtainly appreceiate any suggesti0ons to fix this as I am stumped.
Thanks, gfrick