[original discussion was on debian-boot but it's a bit different]

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 13:01:25 +0000
Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If this is a new aluminium PowerBook, the folks on #debianppc informed
> me that I had to run 2.6 in order for X to work at all. Using benh's 2.6
> tree things seem to be working well.

Where can I find the benh's 2.6 tree?

I have a 2.6.0-test9 running here from kernel-source package in sid (or
experimental?) but X (from experimental) is not working.

I put log and conffiles here:

Thanks for tips and help.

> > Anyone know what magic keys to press to
> > switch back to VT1 on a Powerbook?  The obvious ones don't work, 
> Ctrl-Alt-Fn-F1, in that order. (At least, you have to press Fn after
> Ctrl and Alt.)

Excellent! I also modify my keymap to have:
o Apple+<- : decrease console
o Apple+-> : increase console


The file is at the same location.

Thanks for any hints and help to get X on my laptop.

Note: I did not usr cpufreq at the moment (but will do), but I did
      compile the blink light when hard disk usage! ;) funny!

Note2: Any hint about the lightered keyboard?


  .''`. Arnaud Vandyck
 : :' : http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/
 `. `'  

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