Okay - looks like I may have spoken too soon. The "quick try" I reported
back to the list was for a letter document, which filled my screen top
to bottom, but left the right side grey, which I thought was because it
was not the right ratio for full screen, and which is why I thought it
was working. I did look at a talk I prepped a while back, and I see the
unfilled areas you're talking about ...  I tired a couple of different
screen resolutions and they gave varying amounts of unfilled space.  Try
adjusting your slide size in TeX and see if it will let you fill the

FYI, for slides I use the Prosper TeX extension (http://prosper.sf.net)
and dvipdf to make the PDFs, and my WM is blackbox.

Sorry for the errorenous earlier info ...


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On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, [ISO-8859-1] Rogério Brito wrote:

> On 10/11/2003, at 15:42, vinai wrote:
> > xpdf -fullscreen works (just checked) under Woody.
> Does it *really* work? Which windowmanager do you use? I use fluxbox.
> Last time I tried, it *almost* worked, but not as well as acroread:
> xpdf -fullscreen left some parts of the screen unfilled/white/black and
> didn't center the presentation on screen.
> The presentation was created with PPower4 and pdflatex. Any hints?

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