On 2003-11-10 07:11:50 -0500, Kevin B. Hendricks wrote:
> Not if it is the one I put on the YellowDog Linux mirrors in OpenOffice.org.
> That was compiled with gcc 3.2.2 and does work with mozilla compiled
> with gcc 3.2.2 as well as OOo compiled with gcc 3.2.2.

The current gcc compiler is 3.3.2, so I think that the JRE should be
compiled with this version.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/> - 100%
validated (X)HTML - Acorn Risc PC, Yellow Pig 17, Championnat International
des Jeux Mathématiques et Logiques, TETRHEX, etc.
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

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