On (06/11/03 18:28), David Pye wrote:
> I'm trying to stick with Debian Woody on my Powerbook, and am very keen to 
> get 
> a working OpenOffice on it without moving to Sarge/Sid.  I've got Woody on 
> several x86 machines with OpenOffice installations from the OO.org site.  
> However, their PPC binaries require Glibc 2.3, which Woody doesn't have, 
> while their x86 ones are fine with libc 2.2.x.
> I'm not too worried about having the very latest OO (Though it'd be nice ;)). 
> Does anybody have OO working on Debian Woody PPC? If so, I'd *love* to know 
> how to do it!
Hi David

I'm running OO 1.0.3 on my G4 and it runs fine.  However, I believe that
1.1 is much better and I plan to upgrade by including the following in
my sources list:

# deb http://sevdalia.hajvan.net/~palic/OpenOffice.org/1.1 unstable main

FWIW I ran dselect to install it.

It may be worth subscribing to debian-openoffice@lists.debian.org -
you'll see a lot of information on bugs and how development is

Good luck


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