Wolfgang Pfeiffer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) schrieb:

> On Sat, 1 Nov 2003, J. Volkmann wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > anyone ever arrived in getting the microphone in the ibook (I have one
> > dual USB, 700, radeon M6LY) to work?
> >
> > I am currently running an alsa which works quite fine (it even works
> > with my suspend)
> How did you manage it to put the machine to sleep without a crash at
> wake-up?
It was kinda funny when trying this. The kernel version seems to be
slightly involved. What matters is the alsa Version. What is funny about is,
that with a 2.4.20 the former alsa cvs crashed when put to sleep. When
2.4.21-ben1 was the actual version, the alsa cvs Version of this time
alsa crashed. But the older version didn't crash anymore!

So I let it run like this and never touched alsa again, beeing afraid of
catching again a newer version that crashes.

YAY, that was my weirdest post ever.

mfG Johannes

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