On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 06:20, Luca Padovani wrote:
> Than you. I confirm that upgrading fixed the problem, although I wasn't
> able to compile the kernel myself. Both Ben's sources and BitKeeper
> sources for 2.4.23 fail to compile (in different points)... is there a
> place where I can find reasonably "stable" snapshots of the ppc kernel?

You can always get patches from benh's kernel.org page:

but there are only patches for stable releases here (i.e. no patches for
-preX stuff). Pulling the latest-and-greatest from bk (or anywhere else)
is problematic simply because it's "whatever the developer had at last
checkin" - and not everybody leaves things in a decent state all the
time :)

Stewart Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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