On  30 Oct, this message from Georg Koss echoed through cyberspace:
>> > 3.) That plan B video stuff has to be disabled.
>> Why do you want to use PlanB on your PowerBook? That driver is for
>> old PCI macs with a video input.
>> And yes, as you found out, it doesn't work (it doesn't even compile)
>> on current 2.6 kernels.
> It was my intention just to comment this for PBG412 - if that's clear
> to most people I apologize for generating noise.
> THX for interest and have a famous day

No problem; I think my reply was a bit more agresive than I intended.
Sorry 'bout that :-)



PS I may eventually fix PlanB :-)

Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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