Ah-ha! So that is where I am getting them! The same thing happened to me. I had a suspision.

What is the chance that email addresses in the archives could be modified to say something like
    * From: Zach Archer <chaz (at) dslnorthwest.net>
instead of
    * From: Zach Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
so the email address spiders do not get them? I think this may help in the future (but will do nothing for the past).


Georg Koss wrote:
Hello again,

I got a lot of mails with From-header containing some M$-Network
upgrades and 'Postmaster' or 'Sys-Admin' such things with round 150K legth, which seemed to contain some sort of virus or worm in attachment.

I got several hundred a day at least so that I changed my
email-address (account) after contacting my provider and canceling my

Now I have just one mailing list (debian-powerpc) and wrote my first
mail to that list on day 2 of my new identity and I got again 8 of
that long spam-mails with a fetchmail.

Don't misunderstand me please but is there some problem with that
list? Otherwhiles I've a problem on my box.

THX for patience

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