On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 09:53:03PM -0700, Thomas Carlson wrote:
> I have had some experience with Yellow Dog Linux but wanted to try 
> Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 on my old Powermac 9500.  Tried using BootX and 
> the same partitioning scheme that I use with Yellow Dog.  In the 
> installation process, however, I managed to set things up so that the 
> machine will only will boot from the root partition.  Tried disabling 
> the system by deleting /boot/vmlinux so that I could boot from an 
> installation floppy or cd and now the machine won't boot at all.  What 
> do I do to get back to square one so I can boot into Mac OS again?

At the startup chime, hold Cmd-Opt-P-R. That will reset it to boot
into MacOS.

If you want to continue to use BootX, don't choose the menu item in 
the installer to make the hard disk bootable. That installs quik,
which on a 9500 gives you no option but Linux, as you saw.

Debian GNU/Linux Operating System
  By the People, For the People
Chris Tillman (a people instance)
   toff one at cox dot net

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