On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 09:13:47AM +0200, Colin Leroy wrote:
> Hi,
> > So my question is, does debian has a feature, like e.g.Mandrake has,
> > in which you can select what services to start at boot time with simple
> > Y/N questions. Or is there any other way for me to stop kdm/gdm/xdm
> > from starting at boot time? Or is there a way to boot the Gentoo Live
> > CD in another way?
> You can boot at runlevel 2 (or single). That's done by appending " 2"
> (or " 1") at the end of the Yaboot prompt. IE, if your kernel alias is
> "linux" type "linux 2".
> You'll end up at a console.

Runlevel 2 is the default runlevel so 'linux 2' won't make any
difference. Runlevel 1, yes.

Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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