> AFAIK, kernel in knoppix-mib-ppc is loop-aes and cryptoloop enabled.
> This is a Knoppix-like LiveCD, maybe that could help you?
> http://www.nongnu.org/k-mib/
> look for knoppix-MiB-PPC-alpha-2e.is in the mirrors.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Fleny68

thx very much, sounds interesting as i was already looking for ppc livecd`s. 
but two problems:

1) it definitely supports aes but couldn`t find any information if it also 
support twofish

2) 650mb is very hard to download here in macedonia, as broadband is rather 

at the moment i`m trying to download gentoo all stages ppc (~70mb) cause i know 
one of the older versions had loop 
support (but unfortunately not twofish)

but still if someone has an idea how to easily obtain a kernel that can encrypt 
my twofish loop encrypted 
homepartition, or 
can point me to some kernel-version sources that won`t make that much problems 
as 2.4.22benh compiling the encryption 
stuff, i`d be very thankfull

ffpx flo

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