On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 10:23:58PM +0200, Georg Koss wrote:
> Hello again,
> probably I'm one diagnostic step further :-|
> I copied linux.bin, yaboot, yaboot.conf and images-1.44/root.bin to my
> MacOSX root-partition. After that done I rebooted to OF-prompt and
> gave a
>      boot hd:8,yaboot
> which starts yaboot 1.3.10 on hd:8 must be my MacOSX-partition if I
> interpreted <mount> on macosx-terminal correctly.
> Yaboot now gave me the warning that my bootstrap partition has changed
> its type from Apple_Bootstrap to Apple_HFS :-P
> If I try to boot one of the images (install, install-safe or the image
> of O. Buckminster I have here as well from my first install) the usual
> short start of booting with its last message 
>       openpic: exit
> afterwards an automatic power-off a second later occurs, as I described
> in a former mail.
> So I assume that the solution must be to change that bootstrap's
> partition. 
> Problem is that I'm not able to boot any debian-installer even from my
> install-cd. :((((
> Does anybody know a possibility to manipulate the
> bootstrap-partition's type from macos or anywhere/anyhow else X^\
> Thanks for patience and help/hints in advance.

Yes, probably pdisk for MacOS would let you do this. It is, or was,
available from Eryk Vershun's (sp?) website, or if you can't find it
that way, it's in the debian-imac.sourceforge.net CVS.

Debian GNU/Linux Operating System
  By the People, For the People
Chris Tillman (a people instance)
   toff one at cox dot net

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