On Sat, Oct 11, 2003 at 10:27:19PM +0200, Irrlicht wrote:
> Hello 
> Can someone please help me? Would be verrrry kind ;)))
> I try to install Debian on my Ibook. I read pretty much HOWTO's till now. I
> loaded yaboot on my computer, but when I go to the OPEN FIRMWARE and I try
> to start yaboot I see the pinguin (the ram disk has sometimes some problems
> to start up). But in the end it will finish mit the following error message:
> root fs is no mounted
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> KERNEL PANIC: VFS: Unable to mount roof fs on 03:04
> By the way it is not possible to format the Disks in the HFS Format. When I
> do it (I tried under OS 9.2.1 and OS X) and I chose HFS it will still format
> the HD in the HFS+ Format when I go back and check the result. How bizarre!
> But as I read for first time installation it doesnt matters if you have HFS+
> on the disk where the yaboot is.
> Thank you for your soon answer and I'm really look forward to switch to
> but it looks a bit very very difficult in the moment
> Dave, Switzerland
> (I hope to use this list in the right way, otherway I am sorry!) 

What is the contents of your yaboot.conf? Do you also have the root.bin
next to yaboot and linux.bin on your disk?

Debian GNU/Linux Operating System
  By the People, For the People
Chris Tillman (a people instance)
   toff one at cox dot net

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