On   9 Oct, this message from Jean-Christophe Michel echoed through
> Le jeu 09/10/2003 à 18:21, Jens Schmalzing a écrit :
>> Here you go, please ask if you want more detail on any of the steps.
>> Put new drive in enclosure
>> Plug enclosure into computer
>> Partition new drive, make filesystems, transfer files
>> Unplug enclosure from computer
>> Shutdown computer
>> Remove new drive from enclosure
>> Remove old drive from computer
>> Put new drive in computer
>> Put old drive in enclosure
>> Boot computer
> Thks! My question is: how to transfer kernel and boot things, and hfs
> partitions onto the new disk ?
> simply dd ? or reinstall with netinstall ?

I've extensively dd'ed in such situations, both ext2 and hfs partitions.

The key i to make the new partitions exactly the size of the old one.

For hfs partitions, that's about your only valid choice (I don't think
any direct hfs file access, either mount or hfs-tools, would preserve
things like resource fork and Desktop DB).

For Linux partitions, you could still tar the stuff over, which is a
valid alternative if you also change partition size. Or something like
cp -a....



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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