David Oakes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Adam Hewitt wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I find it hard to believe that everyone who is running Sid has been
> > without Oo for the past two weeks (due to no openoffice.org-bin), can
> > someone tell me what the deal is and what you have done to get around
> > it??
> Actually, it has been more like a month since 1.0.99+1.1 was released
> without openoffice.org-bin for anything other than i386, but nobody
> should be without Oo. 

I went and read the bug report about this at bugs.debian.org, and
posted a request for status on the bug. I just got word from Chris
Hall about what's going on.

The problem was that openoffice.org-bin would build but on powerpc,
but setup would not run. The issue got resolved when Kevin Hendrick's
figured out that it was being linked with an out-of-date java library
on Jan's computer when he built the package. That was a month ago when
it was 1.1rc3.

Since then we are now at 1.1rc5 and other things have changed and they
are working on resolving them, and have asked for patience.


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