I'm using netatalk 1.6.3 very happily with OSX users. There are unicode support issues, long filename issues. The -50 issue appears to have appeared recently -- see
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3151918&forum_id=4958 It might be worth finding a slightly out-of-date version of netatalk. This will provide OSX support but may not suffer from the problem above. Rory On 23/09/03, Jean-Christophe Michel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > Sorry for this question a bit OT, but i think that mac user > are the one that use mostly netatalk. > > I hava a netatalk server to share data among macs; > one of them changed to osx recently, he couldn't write dirs without a > Error -50. > I upgraded the server from woody to testing, so i have netatalk 1.6 > but things are worse: main shared dir is seens as empty. > > Where could i find what options make it work with os x? > netatalk.sf.net isn't the place, i already tried to read all... > -- > Jean-Christophe Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sym?trie -- Rory Campbell-Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <www.campbell-lange.net>