On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 07:36, Nirmal Govind wrote:
> Hi.. I've started experiencing a weird problem with the Combo drive in my 
> ibook.. for some reason, it keeps getting ejected.. I think the Shift key 
> triggered it but once it starts, an eject "process" seems to be constantly 
> running (I can see this with top, the PID keeps changing every second or 
> so).. so even if I close the drive, it will eject in a few seconds on its 
> own.. has anyone come across something like this? I'm not sure what triggered 
> this behavior all of a sudden today cos I didn't have any trouble till now.. 

Does this persist over a reboot? If not, maybe the key that initiates
the eject (using something like acme, ikeyd, ... ?) was 'stuck', either
physically or due to the infamous kernel bug, and kept autorepeating?

Earthling Michel Dänzer   \  Debian (powerpc), XFree86 and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast  \     http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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