On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 04:38:57PM +0200, Guido Guenther wrote:
> I've dumped mplayer packages based on Christian Marillat's excellent
> packages to:
>  http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~agx/linux-ppc/debian/mplayer/

Thanks! I had trouble building mplayer 1.0pre1 with gcc-3.3 (got gcc internal
error). You had no trouble with the AltiVec part of the build

Man, those optimizations give Mplayer a speedboost! Playing DivX was
normally 30%, now 2% on my G4 867 MHz (TiBook IV)!

> Feedback welcome, especially on the naming. Is mplayer-{powerpc,altivec}
> o.k. or would it be better to call them -{ppc,g4}?

As I understand when reading http://developer.apple.com/hardware/ve/
it's G4-only, so -g4 would be a better suffix IMO.
Like Marillat's packages have a i386 (ppc/powerpc suffix here) version for
ALL x86-based archs and i686,k7,k6 specific versions (g4 suffix) for CPU
optimized mplayer/mencoder packages.


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