On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 02:04:36PM +0200, Toni Cerdà wrote:
> On Sunday 31 August 2003 10:12, Pander wrote:
> > Same here on PowerBook G4 12"
> >
> > Didn't change any settings in .config
> I have also a PB G4 12'', 2.4.22-ben1 works without problems, here is my 
> config:
> http://thebigpig.org/~toni/tmp/config-2.4.22-ben1.bz2

I just installed my new Powerbook G4 15" with Ethan's mini ISO which
worked very well :)
But now I'd like to move to a BenH kernel but penguinppc.org seems to be
down :|.
Since I used XFS for my / and /home partition I also need it to be
patched with XFS support. Does anyone have the source + XFS patched
available? Does anyone know what the deal is with penguippc.org

Secondly, can you guys tell me what to use for power management, cpu
frequency stuff and those buttons. I found lots of tools (pmud, apmd,
cpufreqd, cpudyn, pbbuttonsd, ...) but there is a lot of overlap and
most is not working with my 2.4.20-newpmac kernel.
I find all kind of Powerbook install HOWTO's which use other tools,
some seem to be older, other ones newer and better, but I lost track.


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