Nearly two years ago now, I'd installed debian-ppc on a first generation
tibook & ran that happily until this past winter, when I accidently
dropped it and snapped the hinges holding the screen to the base. It still
worked, but just had to be held up by a wall. But that's another story...

The deparment here must have felt some pity on me, for that was also the
day I tore my LCL & ACL in my left knee. Eventually, they picked up a new
gigahertz tibook for me & that is what I have now.

I've really tried to give OS X a fair chance, but I just can't take it any
more.  I have OpenBSD on the machine, but it's just not the same as good
ole' debian. So I went to use one of the mini net install isos today to
load debian onto it, but I haven't gotten very far.

On boot off the cd, I get the following error message before the "Welcome
to yaboot" line:

cd:2,/install/powermac/boot.msg: Unknown or corrupt filesystem

If I boot with the install24 or install24-safe kernels, I get the same
error and then return to the boot prompt.

If I boot with the install kernel, it starts to take, flashes a mostly
white screen & then dies.

If I boot with "install video=ofonly", it starts to take, and stops on a
mostly white screen with the following text:

... ok
opening display /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ATY,Xia_B... ok
copying OF device tree... done
Calling quiesece...

I haven't seen anything in the archives about openbsd munging up my
filesystem, but I suspect this is the cause. I don't have my openbsd cds
with me at the moment, so I can't think of a way to dump my parition table
to include in the message.

I'd like to not have to wipe the hd & be able to keep openbsd. Is there
any hope? (Please cc me on reply as I am not currently a list member)

Thanks in advance,

Mark T. Valites
Unix Systems Analyst
CIT - SUNY Geneseo
>--))> >--))>

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