> > > I'm using a US keymap as well, and I have customized the 'a', 'o' and
> > > 'u' keys to yield umlauts on the third and fourth level. I mean,
> > > Multi_key is clumsy to use, whether it requires shift or not, isn't it?
> >
> > For me to type French, I find that it's better to have the accents in a
> > single place. é and è, which gets the third shift level. (Plus É is used
> > too.
> I don't understand what you're getting at here...

It wouldn't make sense to put accents on 'a', 'e', etc because I wouldn't be 
able to choose well. What would be the third level for 'e'? 'é' or 'è'? or 
'ê'? It's easier to put it on Multi_key '^'.

> > I don't think there are umlauts on an initial vowel in German.)
> Sure there are, e.g. in "Änderung", "Öffnungszeiten" and "Übung".

Sorry. I'd misunderstood what you meant by 4th shift level.

> > But for me to not get an umlaut for accent aigu with Multi_key on the
> > shifted Enter, I have to do Shift-Enter <release shift> single-quote
> > <release everything> e (to get é, not ë).
> Why not simply Shift-Enter <release everything> single-quote e? :)

'Cuz I'm an idiot. I'd always thought that I had to hold down Multi_key and 
the accent at the same time. It was a hold-over from my Mac OS days, where 
alt+e followed by e would generate é. (Which I guess is more a Mode_switch 
model than Multi_key.)

Anyway, with that knowledge, I'll leave Multi_key alone. It can be generated 
by fn+logo. Then ... er ... release everything, then continue as before.

> > (perhaps leaving KP_Enter on the shifted Enter).
> Putting that on fn+enter makes more sense to me in any case, for
> consistency and because access to the fourth level is easier if only
> Mode_switch is mapped on enter.

OK, then I'll do this:

replace key <KPEN> { [ Mode_switch  ] };

> > At least, I can add Menu = Enter to my apple file, so if it gets fixed in
> > the kernel, X will "just work."
> Good idea.

and this:

replace key <MENU> { [ KP_Enter ] };

I'll make these mods to my `apple` file and post it here for testing.


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