On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 [17:01],
    Emmanuel Eckard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> On Wednesday 20 August 2003 15:15, David Röhr wrote:
> > Is there a way to get the iSight camera working on Linux? Or maybe
> > something in the process?
> >
> > Is there realy a good reason why I should get a apple Airport station?
> > There are alot of 802.11d-radio stations that are _alot_ cheaper that
> > the airport station. So does it realy have to be an airport station when
> > having an airport card in the ibook? More trouble to get stuff working
> > on a diffrent station than an airport?
> The Airport station comes with lots of integrated functions you typically 
> don't want to have (modem and such stuff). 

There is two Airport stations, one with modem and antenna port and one
without them. The one without them still costs more then twice the price
of a normal station from some other brand. Netgear, Dlink or something..

> So my answer would be that besides sponsoring Apple, there is no real reason 
> to buy an airport dock.
> (but perhaps I'm missing something)

Well. I realy wonder why apple is charging twice the price over what
sounds like just a design issue? There are "other" brand stations with
modems, firewalls, dhcp charing, .. .. and they are still cheaper than
the apple ones..


... david röhr              |      o_
.. unix systems consultant  | o/  /\   Solaris, AIX, HP-UX
. qbranch system management | /|_, \\   and GNU/Linux Certified.
        www.qbranch.se        /                    

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