Hi there,

I am about to remove OSX server from an Xserve and install debian as
debian brings me joy and love and to date OSX server has been nothing
but pain and frustration.

After reading all the info I can find and trawling the net it appears
that the woody ppc iso I downloaded is probably not going to boot the

Does anyone know where I might find an iso that will boot the xserve and
get me into the debian installer? (unofficial is fine!)

Also if anyone knows, does kernel 2.2x support the xserve or will I need

And one final question, my main machine is  i386 based debian
testing/unstable is it possible to create custom ppc kernel and boot cd
from this machine?

As always thanks in advance to those who continue to make debian the
greatest distribution by helping their fellow debian users ;-)

Rolf Schatzmann
MacTherapy Australia Pty Ltd
Mobile - 0410 577664

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