Hi Christian, I am posting in the body of the email a colection of Links I gathered while installing Debian on a Titanium Powerbook (15''). Hope they give you all the info!! Please, bear in mind that some of the links are as much as 6-7 months old, so if they don't work... sorry! :-/
The most relevant ones are: Branden iBook Installation: http://people.debian.org/~branden/ibook.html Cool Page for a Titanium Installation: http://cattlegrid.net/~christophe/titatium/ Yet another page (neat design!): http://neugierig.org/content/tibook/ And another!! QUITE nice :-) http://users.linpro.no/janl/tibook.html Aaaand another one... http://spacepants.org/hw/tibook/ Links for Linux on the PowerBook: http://www.db79.com/archives/computers/debian_linux_on_your_powerbook_g4.php Page with good config files: http://acm.cs.nyu.edu/~tugrul/tibook/ Some page on a 12'' Titanium: http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~schmidtm/apple/ pbbuttons: PowerBook extra-buttons and other cool tools http://www.cymes.de/members/joker/projects/pbbuttons/ PowerBook Internal Modem: Linux Driver and Manual from Conexant http://www.mbsi.ca/cnxtlindrv/hcf/downloads.html and other cool/good ones: Apple TiBook: ------------------------------------------------------------- PowerBook DVD stuff: ---------------------------------------------------------- A COOL guy and his DVD-Zonefree page: http://xvi.rpc1.org/ Nice forum: http://forum.rpc1.org/ PowerBook Mods: http://www.liethen.com/mod/ Ben [EMAIL PROTECTED] Weblog Webpage: http://penguinppc.org/~benh/ Nob's Page on LinuxPPC: http://www.y-min.or.jp/~nob/LinuxPPC/ pbbuttons: PowerBook extra-buttons and other cool tools http://www.cymes.de/members/joker/projects/pbbuttons/ PowerBook Internal Modem: Linux Driver and Manual from Conexant http://www.mbsi.ca/cnxtlindrv/hcf/downloads.html IBM PowerPC-Linux connections: http://www-3.ibm.com/chips/products/powerpc/linux/ Debian (Fine) Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 For PowerPC: http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/powerpc/install Debian GNU/Linux PowerPC PowerMac Page: http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/inst/pmac Linux Kernels for PowerPC: http://www.ppckernel.org/ Linux PowerBook Website: http://www.powerbooklinux.net OpenFirmware Guide: http://www.netneurotic.net/mac/openfirmware.html Gentoo Stuff for installing (Check ALSA here...) http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentooppc-quickstart.xml iPod: ----------------------------------------- iPod dissasembly and more!: http://deep.urbanturban.no/ Links for iPod on Linux: http://neuron.com/~jason/ipod.html http://www.tex9.com/software/sumi/ http://ipod-on-linux.sourceforge.net/ http://www.ipoding.com/ Links for firmwarez :-) http://www.iweenie.com/ipod.shtml --> Not related: iPod Lounge: http://ipodlounge.com gTKPod: http://gtkpod.sourceforge.net/ !!!! Linux on an iPod!!! http://ipodlinux.sourceforge.net/ iPod hacking http://www.ipodhacks.com SyncPod: http://armin.emx.at/ipod/ MPlayer for MacOSX: http://www.fi.munici.cz/~xpridal/mplayerosx/ also @SourceForge... http://mplayerosx.soyrceforge.net????? Cheers, -- J. Javier Maestro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://rigel.homelinux.com On Aug Mon 18 2003 16:41, Christian Banik wrote: > my problem is partition the HD (and some other questions before the > installation). I will use MacOSX and Linux. I've got the following > questions: > > -Can i use the root Mac OS X Partion as Debian /home Partition because > of MP3's (i think that's not possible)? ??? Can u explain further? > -Should i install MacOSx first or Debian? > > -Are 4 GB enougth for Debian's Mac Version (on my x86 Platform 2 GB are > enougth)? > > -Is my graphic card ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 (64 MB DDR SDRAM) > supported (XFree86) > > -My machine is a M8859*/A (actual 1 GHz PowerBook). Is everythink > supported, so that i can use Woody 3.0.0 instead of 3.0.1? Check the main links for updated answers :-) > Thank's a lot for your help. Not a problem! > -Christian