On Aug Mon 18 2003 12:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sorry...
> Sent that before i finished it.
> I'll try again.
> I'm having trouble with my iBook2001 and the dri-trunk drivers from
> http://people.debian.org/~daenzer/dri-trunk-unstable
> I'm running sid, and the video card is a Rage Mobility M3. My kernel is
> 2.4.21-ben2. Everything that needs to be installed or compiled does so
> fine, and i have the appropriate lines added to /etc/modutils/drm and so on
> as described here - http://www.cattlegrid.net/~christophe/titanium/#XFREE
> However, when I reboot and kdm starts up, the screen blinks three times
> (looks like the xserver restarting to me) and then I'm dumped to a console
> login prompt.
> What's going on here?
Well... the three flashes are the reattempts of the X server trying to
boot. It is probably due to a misconfiguration of the server, so check
your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4... there are some available around, so check
them ;-)
And good luck!
J. Javier Maestro