Bengt Thurée wrote:
Do anyone have any experience of using a Cube as a firewall/router?
I tried to find information on Google, but failed :-(
How about adding an extra ethernet connection to the cube? Possible?
I am very interested in using this solution, since it is very very silent,
or am I wrong?
Appreciate any comments?
As a hardware platform Apple Cube is much more powefull then necessary
to build a Firewall !!! ;- )
But, for a second network interface you can just use a USB adapter, or
use a Cable/xDSL modem with USB port .
Thats the problem !!!
I am using an older hardware ( 7300/200 64MB of RAM and 2 GB HD ) as a
Gateway/Firewall in a network with 9 more powerfull MACs ( IMac 400 thru
Dual G4 833 ) with any kind of problems !!!
Fábio Rabelo