On 4 Aug 2003 at 9:03, Ole-Egil Hvitmyren wrote:

> That would mean you have NO idea what's going on until X has started. 
> Not my favourite solution. I think the framebuffer drivers in Linux 
> should have the possibility to run the emulator long before X starts ;-)

As I said before, if your Mac has Open Firmware, you can 
(theoretically, which means I've read about it :-) use a serial 
connection to get to a boot prompt, and if Linux is set to use the 
Open Firmware interface at boot time, one ought to be able to see 
what's going on and interact with the machine properly. On my B&W G3, 
I ought to be able to use the USB interface as a serial connection, 
yet I haven't discovered how to connect that (and I haven't had the 
need for it).

Since you could probably leave the built-in or original add-on 
graphics device installed, booting up using that, and only use the 
new x86-targeted graphics device with X, you'd have no problem 
interacting with the system before X is started.


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