On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 17:06, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> OoO Vers la fin de l'après-midi du mercredi 30 juillet 2003, vers
> 16:21, Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:
> >> > The only chance I see for this to change is if someone who is 
> >> > prepared to build XFree86 CVS gets in touch with Hui Yu (provided 
> >> > he's willing to help with this).
> >> 
> >> I can do this but I have little experience in hardware programming.
> > No worries, he could do that. :)
> If you think that fixing DDC on M6 is important enough to bother him,
> could you contact him for me ?
I'd prefer if somebody who wants this contacted him directly (no
worries, he's a nice guy and won't bite ;). Mention my name and CC: me
or something.

>  - does the radeon has only one overlay or is this a software limit
>    from the driver ?


>  - does the radeon can do a "true" clone mode (that would eventually
>    be implemented in the future by the driver) ? From what I
>    understand the current situation is that the cloning is done by X.

No, this is as 'true' as it gets. I don't know of a better way to do it

Earthling Michel Dänzer   \  Debian (powerpc), XFree86 and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast  \     http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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