Sven Luther wrote:

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 12:43:12PM +0200, Ole-Egil Hvitmyren wrote:
Tim Froggatt wrote:

Hi... I'm running Woody on a G3 based AmigaOne board.

I'm trying to get my TerraTec 128i PCI sound card up and running with ALSA. However, I can't seem to find any module files. In particular I need snd-es1938.o or atleast I think that's what I need.

But I can't find the file in PowerPC format anywhere. I've found some Intel x86 files in

but I can't find any other versions. Does anyone know where I might find them?
Hmm, bummer. I guess you need to (or need to get someone else to) compile the kernel and alsa with this driver enabled...

It just so happens that I have my AmigaOne's harddrive in the office PC

Does the AmigaOne also use the amiga partitioning scheme ? If yes, what
tool do you use for partitioning, and could you perhaps send me your
RDB blocks ? (The first 64 or 128K of your harddisk will do, i think).

The AmigaOne currently eats whatever you throw at it (well, as long as you only throw MBR and RDB at it :-)), but I use MBR because that's what we used when I installed Linux. What do you need an RDB for? I can easily whip up one for you if you need one...

I use HDToolBox under AmigaOS (Amithlon or classic Amiga) and amiga-fdisk under Linux (on the PC/AmigaOne)

I have also seen that some modifications where made to amiga-fdisk, but
not forwarded to the amiga-fdisk maintainer.

The modifications aren't ready for public consumption just yet. Just check the files out of our CVS until I manage to find the frelling last bugs :-)
What I've changed is:
Support for adjusting boot priorities, support for AmigaOne OS4 bootloader blocks (the only addition to the new RDB standard from the old one), and support for AmigaOS device names (like DH0: DH1: etc.). But all this is just in beta, and I have like zero people willing to actually try out things for me, so it's not going well...

There's also debian packages (which needs an update, come to think of it) on my homepage. I expect you to find the URL from my signature ;-)
Apt-get and tell me how it worked, ok? ;-)

Have fun.

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